Excitability in horses references a type or types of unpredictable, undesirable agitation displayed by a horse.1 Typically, it does not refer to the energy level or stamina of the horse itself...
Xylazine (Xylazine HCl) is an alpha-2-adrenergic agonist (α2- adrenergic agonist). In veterinary medicine, xylazine is often used in combination with ketamine. Xylazine provides muscle...
Xylazine Veterinary Use Xylazine HCl is a non-narcotic compound that is commonly used as a sedative and analgesic, as well as a muscle relaxant. Xylazine has a long-standing use for surgical...
Tolazoline HCl belongs to the synthetic group of α-adrenergic blocking agents known as the imidazoline derivatives. It will reverse the analgesic effects of α-agonists. Tolazoline antagonizes the...
L-Arginine is a potent nitric oxide enhancer and causes vasodilation of both smooth and skeletal muscles. It is often used in cases of colic to help reduce spasms and ischemia of the vascular areas...